Clubs Handbook
This page is a helpful resource for students running clubs at Los Altos High School and their advisors. It includes a quick guide for common questions about event and fundraiser requests, simplifying club procedures. A detailed handbook offers step-by-step instructions for completing forms and understanding club operations. For additional support, the page has a slide deck of past club senate meetings, helping users review important discussions and resources. This centralized hub enables club leaders and advisors to plan successful events and manage their clubs well.
Common Club Activities & Topics
In addition to holding regular club meetings, all student groups on campus are encouraged to organize events for the campus.
Examples of events a club may wish to host include tabling in the quad to raise awareness for their club or a cause, host a performance or tournament on campus, or invite a speaker to campus.
Before a club can host an event, they must:
(a) complete the activity request form
(b) receive written confirmation that their event/activity/fundraiser is approved. Note: this process is typically 2 weeks, please plan ahead. Requests submitted to close to the desired date of activity may be denied.
ASB will consider the proposed event’s appropriateness, safety, and compliance with Education Code when reviewing and approving events.
Carefully review this step-by-step guide before making any purchases.
Clubs should consider purchases as a multi-step / 2 WEEK LONG process from the day forms are turned into the finance office to getting confirmation the request approval status
Clubs should have funds in their club account before making any purchases
Clubs MUST complete the pre-approval process before any items/services are purchased (follow the steps in the guide linked above)
Email the Finance Clerk ( and Activities Director/ASB Advisor ( if you have any questions.
Clubs are welcome to advertise on campus.
Flyers must be submitted to the Activities Office/Leadership Room for stamped approval. ASB will post one flyer on each of the campus bulletin boards. Once stamped, the club can post any additional flyers around campus.
Your club/event can be displayed on the digital displays around campus, with flyers, and/or posters. Click here to get approval for advertising on campus.
Physical Advertisement Guidelines:
-Flyers posted around campus may be no larger than 8.5” x 11” |
-A maximum of 15 advertisements (poster and flyer combined) can be posted around campus at any given time. They should not be posted in classrooms or on classroom doors without the permission of the teachers who use the classroom.
- Clubs are responsible for removing all flyers/posters when the event advertised has passed. ASB will remove the flyers on bulletin boards.
Flyers/Posters without a stamp from the Activities Director will be removed.
Fundraising is the primary source of revenue for clubs that plan to have expenses.
Before a club can host a fundraiser, the club must:
(a) complete the activity request form
(b) complete the fundraiser request form
(c) request a cash box
(d) receive written confirmation that their fundraiser was approved.
ASB will consider the appropriateness, safety, and compliance with the Education Code, MVLA Board Policy, and FCMAT Guidelines when reviewing and approving fundraisers.
Important Notes about fundraising:
Fundraising on school campuses is highly regulated. Sound cash control procedures are essential from the time the club advisor collects the cash box until it is returned to the ASB bookkeeper. This is to deter fraud and protect everyone from accusations of wrongdoing. Your club advisor must be present and actively supervising for the entirety of the fundraiser. Failure to comply with this policy will result in future fundraising requests being denied.
Any funds raised must adhere to the following:
All funds raised are used for the benefit of the entire club/student group, not specific/individual student(s)
any and all funds raised can not be donated to an outside organization or charity (note: a club can share a direct donation link to the website of a charity and encourage club/LAHS community to make a donation directly to the organization/charity)
Club members cannot be required to participate in or make contributions to a fundraiser.
Club members cannot be excluded from benefiting from the proceeds of a fundraiser as a result of their not having participated in a fundraiser.
Monies raised outside of the webstore or an approved fundraiser may not be spent on club activities and will not be deposited into the club’s ASB account.
Clubs may also encourage club members or members of the LAHS and broader community to donate to the club. Such donations are handled through the LAHS webstore.
Club Officers—Our PTSA is proud to support clubs at LAHS. They’ve set aside money to help get your clubs up and running or to help with funding/supporting a club project or activity you have in mind and make it a reality.
Click here to learn more and apply.
Questions? Email
Los Altos High School clubs are created and run by students to benefit the entire campus.
Except in very rare circumstances, clubs should be accessible to all students completely irrespective of their ability to pay any fees associated with a club (including membership dues and fees to participate in trips/activities).
Students: You should not pay any membership dues or have to pay any fees to participate in club activities (regardless of where they’re held). This is prohibited.
Students who learn of clubs charging any fees are encouraged to contact ASB leadership; the Activities Director/ASB advisor, Ms. Alvarado, or adminstration.
Club Leaders/Advisors:
It is your responsibility to work together with your advisor and club members to determine how to finance club activities. The club as a whole should be thinking about money and costs, not individual students. Knowing that club members shouldn't be paying out of pocket, club leadership is responsible for working with the advisor to determine how to make the club viable.
Possible options include:
• Only hold meetings on campus
•Applying for a PTSA Grant. The money the PTSA awards is intended to help clubs get on their feet.
• Host fundraisers on/off campus to raise money. ASB Leadership can help you generate ideas for how to do this. Some ideas (e.g., a revenue split fundraiser with a local restaurant [Chipotle, Panda, Armadillo Willy's]) are free ways of raising money.
If you have any questions, use the question/comment link at the bottom of the page.
Clubs Handbook
Request Form Approval Process Flowchart
Club Senate #1
Highlights of 8/23/24 Meeting:
How to charter a club and the club charter window and recruitment fair cycles
FCMAT financial guidelines and the forms clubs must complete and submit to host an activity and/or fundraiser
Club Minutes Requirement and the shared Google Drive Folder to store all documents related to the Club business
PTSA Club Grants - information and application
STEAM Week - club collaboration information
Club Senate #2
Club Senate Meeting will be held on
October 18, 2024 during ACT