Club Chartering Window

Closed for Fall 2024

Missed the charter window?

Just thought of a club you want to start?

Spring Club Charter Window opens

December 2, 2024 through January 31, 2025

Learn How To Charter a Club

Los Altos High School ASB encourages students to join any of the many clubs on campus. Sometimes, the club you would like to be a part of doesn’t yet exist. If so, ASB encourages you to form a new club during the club charting windows.

Once a club charter application is approved, the club is recognized as an official student group and can hold meetings, fundraise, and organize activities on campus.

Follow the steps below if you’re interested in chartering a club:

  • ASB reviews all charter requests. Part of that process includes ensuring that the proposed club does not serve the same purpose/have the same goals as an existing club on campus. Clubs that are deemed too similar in purpose may have their charter request denied.

    Therefore, before proceeding, you should review the list of existing clubs. If you find a club that’s similar to the one you were thinking of chartering, we encourage you to join that club. In many cases, it’s easier to get involved, gain leadership experience, and make meaningful contributions when you join an existing club than it is when you start a new one.

    SY24 Chartered Clubs

  • Clubs must consist of at least four (4) students.

    One student will need to be designated as the group's representative. This person will file the application for the charter and be ASB’s point of communication with the club.

    All clubs must have a teacher willing to serve as an advisor. This teacher, and/or counselor must agree to host and attend all of your club meetings and must also be present during any club events.

    ASB encourages the founding members to check with their current and past teachers to see if any of them would be willing to act as their advisors.

    Check teacher availability to advise a club here

    Be sure to be clear with prospective advisors about the clubs plans - what tier club, frequency of meetings, any additional activities and/or fundraising.

  • A. Club Constitution

    All clubs MUST have a constitution that governs their club. Club Constitution Template can be found under the club forms section or linked here

    The constitution outlines:

    - the mission/purpose of the organization and it’s (i.e., why the club was created and the need/ functions it serves )

    -where and when it meets

    -the organizational structures (what positions exist—president, vice president, etc.—as well as their responsibilities and how students are selected for that role

    -Amendment procedure in case the constitution needs to be changed in the future

    Club charters will be accessible to all LAHS students.

    ASB recommends involving your advisor in this process.

    B. Club Budget

    ALL clubs must complete a budget.

    If tier 1 note $0 for income and expenditures. This confirms and ensures the clubs does not plan to have any expenses and has no need to fundraise.

    The budget worksheet can be found in the clubs form section or linked here

    Once completed, print and have the noted people related to the club sign, then turn in this form to the Finance Office.

    C. Club Bylaws & Advisor Contract

    Acknowledge Reading and Understanding Bylaws: The Club Representative and Club Advisor must acknowledge that they have read and understand the club bylaws and guidelines to function as an official club on campus and outline roles and responsibilities.

    Advisor Requirements: The Club Advisor, who must be a certificated district employee, must be present at all club activities, including meetings, events, and fundraisers. If unavailable, another certificated staff member must substitute.

    Tier Classification: Classify the club into one of four tiers based on activity levels, meeting times, and financial activities

    Club officers and Club Advisors must sign a contract acknowledging that they’ve read your constitution, completed a club budget, and understand what’s expected of them as a club advisor.

    The link to this document is in the club forms section or linked here.

    Once completed, print and have the people noted to be related to the club sign, then turn in this form to the Finance Office.

  • Submit all Club Charter forms:

    1. Club Constitution - access template here

    2. Club Budget - access template here

    3. Club Bylaws and Advisor Contract - access template here

    Use the link in the club forms section to formally apply for your club charter .

    You’ll need to upload a digital copies of your forms to the Club Charter Application.

    Additionally, the following will need to be printed out and turned in to ASB Advisor with complete signatures:

    1. Club Charter Form (May =. Club Fast Track Form for existing clubs)

    2. Club Budget

    3. Club Bylaws & Advisor Contract

Club Senate Meeting Recaps